What Law of Motion Is Launching a Rocket

Okay, so you have a good understanding of Newton`s third law of motion. But how does this apply to rockets? Sir Isaac Newton first introduced his three laws of motion in 1686 in the «Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis». His third law states that for every action (force) in nature, there is an equal and […]

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What Is Transparency in Law Enforcement

Sometimes this type of original research is the best way to uncover wrongdoing in law enforcement activities. But in other cases, FOIA requests are the only way for the public to learn about agencies targeting specific populations. The American Civil Liberties Union found that the FBI was involved in widespread racial profiling. So what […]

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What Is the Scientific Definition of Law of Independent Assortment

The 3:1 phenotypic ratio of yellow: green color and the 3:1 ratio of the round: wrinkled seed shape during monohybrid crossing was also maintained in the dihybrid cross. Thus, he came to the conclusion that the characters are distributed independently and inherited independently. Based on this observation, he developed his third law – the […]

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What Is the Property Tax in Nashville

Rutherford County is located southeast of Knoxville and includes the town of Murfreesboro. It was named after Revolutionary War officer Griff Rutherford. The average effective property tax rate for the county is 0.71%. At this rate, someone with a $150,000 home would pay about $1,065 a year in property taxes. Although property tax rates […]

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What Is the Means of Legal Document

n. A popular umbrella term among lawyers for any article written on it. Technically, it could contain a piece of wood with a will or a message scratched on it. See: Documentary Evidence) Understanding the importance of legal documents is the easy part. The trick is to know that their power lies in situations […]

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