48 Laws of Power List Pdf

Greene explains that a person`s independence should be seen as a strength, not a weakness. Don`t fall into the usual trap of committing to someone or a particular side. Always stay strong for yourself and your own goals. Being independent will put you in a position of power, people will come after you, want to recruit you, and they will probably argue about you. It establishes you as the one who has all the power. There is much to be said for creating an element of mystery, as Greene mentioned in previous laws, and the same goes for your presence. You want to avoid being seen and heard too often, it just makes you look ordinary and more approachable. Withdraw socially and you will find that people are curious, they will talk and wonder what you are doing. Greene believes that you should use your actions, not your words, to convince others and put them on your side. Arguments are not a valid way to use your power, do not bend to their level. You should be able to represent your influence and power through actions and manifestations alone. The mirror effect is a tool that Greene recommends you fool. He explains that reflecting your enemies is a reflection of their reality, if you behave in the same way as them, then they are confused and unsure of your intentions.

On another level, the mirror effect is a tool of ridicule and can cause humiliation for your enemies, people often do not look at themselves or their actions and by being forced to do so, they can confront each other. Greene explains that it is also a method of seduction, you can convince them that you have the same values and that they are easily influenced by your power. As we mentioned earlier, it`s so important to understand the people you`re connected with, allies, or enemies. This knowledge will give you strength. As Greene points out, everyone is different and you can`t apply the same strategies to everyone, there`s no one-size-fits-all approach. Greene warns of certain types of people who, when deceived, seek revenge and continue to do so until they are satisfied. These are not the people you should try to insult or deceive. Make sure you know exactly who you`re dealing with before you take action. As Greene said quite clearly in previous laws, your appearance is everything. Greene encourages you to elevate your appearance and aura around you with compelling images, grand statements, and great gestures.

Use impressive images to attract people, they will be impressed and amazed by your «power». These «glasses» can also serve as a distraction from your true intentions. Robert Greene has a huge career as one of those writers who want to share the written word with everyone; These authors believe that every human being deserves to have a fair share of universal knowledge and power. Greene explains that a powerful and strong individual is likely to be arrogant and regularly arouse anger. These people are the source of much suffering and drama. Greene explains that allowing these people to influence you and others is harmful, and you will certainly run into difficulties. However, you can`t just negotiate with them, they are the kind of people who need to be completely isolated. Also, don`t let others flock to them. No matter how much time, energy, and effort you`ve put into something, you want your results to look natural and easy to complete. Acting as if you can accomplish so much with so little effort will underscore your power.

And when asked, don`t explain how to get there or how you work, stay vague and let others be impressed with your results. Don`t reveal your secrets. This goes hand in hand with the previous law, never say more than necessary, try to say as little as possible. Greene believes that if you say too much, expose yourself to criticism and questioning, you`re probably also saying something you regret. Greene explains that powerful people say less, they often keep things vague and open. This can be both intimidating and impressive. Everyone wants to feel like they belong to something, and everyone wants to believe it`s something bigger than themselves. Greene explains that people are always looking for something or someone to follow, so take advantage of that need and desire. To win a sequel, promise a lot of hope, be enthusiastic, and offer new diets that people can follow. Greene explains that the key to guiding people is to ask them to make a sacrifice for you.

In this way, you build a tracking and belief system, which leads to more and more power for you. To gain performance, they must be more beautiful and brighter than they are. Influential people go with authority and rarely speak. The more a person speaks, the more he reveals himself, he reveals his mistakes, which can then be used against that person. He flatters, submits to his superiors and imposes his power on others invisibly.